How To Set Up A Fixed Navigation On Brine

Squarespacev brine fixed navigation solution

If you’re looking to set a fixed navigation that remains transparent at the top of the page, follow this guide!

First of all, navigate to Design > Site Styles and set all the Header elements to display at the bottom. It should look something like in the image below.

Image 2020-02-02 at 9.19.58 p.m. (1).png

Once that’s set, go to Design > Custom CSS and paste the following code:

html:not([data-scroll='0']) {
  header {         
      box-shadow: 0 0 .5em rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
.Header--bottom.Header--overlay {
    background: black;     
    position: fixed;   

header {     
    padding-bottom: 1.5em;     
    transition: background-color .4s, box-shadow .4s;

Lastly, navigate to Settings > Advanced > Code Injection > Footer, and paste the following code:

const debounce = (fn) => {
  let frame;
  return (...params) => {
    if (frame) { 
    frame = requestAnimationFrame(() => { 

const storeScroll = () => {
  document.documentElement.dataset.scroll = window.scrollY;

document.addEventListener('scroll', debounce(storeScroll), { passive: true });


That’s it! You should be all set at this point. The navigation should appear transparent at the top, and fixed with a background color on scroll.


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